39% would like to buy in the next 12 months
The Daft.ie sentiment survey, a survey that measures consumers’ perceptions of the state of the property market, including people’s intention to participate within the property market, reveals that 39% of people visiting Daft.ie would like to buy a property in the next 12 months.
Do you wish to buy property in the future and if so when?
Yes, as soon as possible (19%)
Yes, within 6 months (9%)
Yes within a year (11%)
Yes, in the next two years (15%)
Yes in the next 3-5 years (15%)
Yes, but not in the next five years (11%)
No – I will continue to rent (8%)
No – I am happy in current property (12%)
(Jan to June 2016, total survey respondents 1,694)