Daft.ie Insights
Property price per square metre
In most other countries in Europe people tend to think in price per square metre when looking for a property. Back home in Ireland anyone who buys or rents office space does the same, but it’s largely ignored when anyone buys or rents a home.
Valuing by square metre can be a really good indicator of value. For example the price per square metre in Dublin 4 could be nearly four times higher than the price in Laois for the same property type. So this can be really useful if you want to make sure you can get the largest type of property for your budget. Daft has just released a new feature so you can search by square metre. If you have a clear idea of the size of property you need at the moment these new filters should make it even easier to find your next home.
Now you can filter by square metre and BER on our apps and mobile site to find your perfect property.